Wonder Woman and the Furies #1

This was a really good book for what it is. Unlike the Legion of Doom, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning did a wonderful job of making this story feel like it was set in a different universe and set a mood/setting that I am eagerly awaiting in the second issue. I completely understood the story and the doom and gloom of Arthur’s and Diana’s subjects. Again, my only complaint is that because this is a limited series, they had to rush the story, but did a spot on job explaining everything and giving the story life.
(Side note: I did have to do a double take when I saw the title… For a moment I thought it said WW and the Furries and thought for sure this book was going somewhere very not mainstream)
Verdict: Liked It
Deadman and the Flying Graysons #1

I know J.T. Krul gets a lot of hate in the fan boy realm, but this particular part of the Flashpoint Universe was marvelous! It did a good job showing the different characterization between Dick Grayson (not quite Robin or Nightwing yet) and Boston Brand (Deadman). Boston thinks that Dick can be even a greater entertainer but is being held back by his parents. Dick disagrees and thinks he is as good as he is because of his parents love.
The story also shows that even circus folk, trying to make a living in this world war between the Amazons and the Atlanteans and being stuck in Europe, can be entertaining. To round out the cast of characters, the Freak Show consists of Dr. Fate, King Shark (is a shark), and Rag Doll couple. I can only imagine what the all out battle be like with the Amazons.
Verdict: Liked It
Sonic Universe #29
This is a cute and quirky book for kids. There is nothing original or mind blowing about the story, but it does enough to entertain. It reads a lot like a Saturday morning cartoon, and with all the other doom and gloom books I read, a nice distraction every now and then.
Verdict: Meh
Alpha Flight #1
This book is pretty damn good. Fred Van Lente and Greg Pak are right at the top of my favorite comic book writers. On some level, I think I share the same sense of humor because I’ve never once been disappointed by any of the books. Alpha Flight is picking up right where they left off on the other books they write together. The story is knee deep in the Fear Itself miniseries going on right now in Marvel, but these two do such a well job constructing and telling this story, it doesn’t feel like they are stuck with telling an EVENT story but telling a story they want to tell. I really love how they are setting it up for all of Canada. Go out and buy this book. It’s funny, action pack and it makes you think. It hits just right on all the parts of what makes a book GOOD.
Verdict: LOVED IT
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