Four years later, and the little trailer that won a contest and blew fanboy minds online has graduated to being a full fledged movie of its own. Director Jason Eisener (who also directed the original trailer) manages to effectively deliver on all of the promise the original trailer had, and then some. Fearless in his willingness to "go there," Eisener firmly establishes with "Hobo" that he's a cinematic force to be reckoned with. Audiences who choose to take on "Hobo with a Shotgun" won't be catered to anything less than everything Eisener has to give them, even if that means lots of senseless death, deplorable characters, and a world so scary and awful suicide seems like a reasonable escape.
Rutger Hauer stars as the Hobo who drifts into town and begins panhandling. However, this hobo ain't no bum! This hobo has a dream! A dream of one day starting his own lawn mowing business. A business that he hopes will one day give him the life he's either lost, or always dreamed of having. But as he sets out to scrape together the money needed to buy his lawnmower, the hobo can't help but notice just how horrible the city he's moved into is. He sees bums paid to fight one another on camera for profit; children abducted in plain site and no one coming to their aid; throngs of people forced to watch as a human being is fitted with a manhole cover necklace chained to the rear bumper of a car, dropped into an open manhole, and then decapitated as the car speeds off while a lunatic chick dances in the fountain of blood that is left behind.
For the Hobo this simply won't do.
"Hobo with a Shotgun" has it all: A hooker with a heart of gold; naked strippers laughing as they senselessly mutilate a dude; drug addicted youths with no regard for life; corrupt cops; lots of plain, unadulterated evil doin'; and one badass monologue from a badass hobo who is about to kick ass and chew bubblegum. There's even a bear story in there that you can share with your kids!
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